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Indian Food Menu

Ordering Off the Indian Food Menu for Beginners

If you've never had Indian food before, you might be wondering what to order. When people order sushi first, they start with cooked rolls. So, when you start with Indian food, what should you get? Here are some of the simplest introductions to a traditional Indian food menu.


Samosas are small fried pastries that are often filled with curried vegetables or meats. They can be spicy, but they aren't too unlike the contents of a stew. You can use samosas to experiment with different types of yogurts and sauces, which usually come with them. These are also a great thing to order for the table to share. (If you want something even more bread-like, just order some naan!)

Chicken Tikka Masala

A quintessential dish, this is a light chicken curry that's eaten with rice and isn't too spicy. Tikka masala is found in just about every Indian restaurant and is a great way to get used to the flavors presented in the dishes. You can also get "butter chicken," though this isn't a traditional Indian dish and may not be everywhere.

Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori chicken is very similar to regular BBQ chicken. Eat it with some naan if you are overpowered by the spice, though most tandoori chicken won't be too spicy at all. Tandoori chicken is a great option for those who usually like meat with their meals.


Don't forget the drinks! Lassi is a traditional Indian drink that's often made with flavors like mango. But Lassi also has a lot of spices in it like cardamom, which can also accustom your palette to the other things that are being served. Lassi can also make hot foods tolerable; if you're not used to spice, make sure that you have a liquid nearby.

Take your time and learn what you like. If you're interested in learning more about Indian food, you might want to go to an Indian buffet. There, you can try out many types of Indian food without having to order a single item off the Indian food menu. You can take a look at the menu of Moti Mahal Deluxe today to see if there is anything that interests you.

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